Budd the Monk, adorned with a unicorn horn and rainbow, emerges out of a cardboard box.

5 Tips for an Unforgettable Unboxing

Aside from getting together with friends and family, most would agree that the best part of the holidays is unwrapping all your Christmas, Hanukkah, and/or Kwanzaa goodies. Whether they come from loved ones or yours truly (#treatyourself), the childhood excitement of ripping through carefully gift-wrapped presents can extend well into adulthood. 

In the world of eCommerce, unboxings are our attempts at recreating that original thrill of getting just what you wanted. Aside from (hopefully) providing bundles of joy to your customers, unboxings are a fantastic way of standing out in an increasingly saturated market.

If you’re looking to add that magic touch to this important part of the post-purchase experience, just keep reading!

#1. Stay True to Your Branding

One of the funnest parts of running your own eCommerce company is, without a doubt, creating a memorable brand. If your branding isn’t on point, crafting the perfect unboxing gets that much harder.

Don’t know where to start? Try asking yourself the following questions:

  • Who are you selling to? In other words, what’s your demographic?
  • What’s your story? What message are you trying to convey to your audience?
  • What’s your style? Formal, fun, or somewhere in-between?

Of course, branding also extends itself aesthetically. Think carefully about the font, colors, and motifs of your business. No matter how simplistic your approach, consistency is key — meaning that, yes, there is a difference between green-yellow and yellow-green. 😉

#2. Get Creative with Packing Materials

Who knew packing materials could be so versatile? Well, we did, but now you do too! From the exterior to the interior, there’s plenty of room to make a great first impression.

For the outer packaging, you can use…

  • Corrugated brown (or custom!) boxes
  • Padded bubble mailers
  • Sleek poly mailers

As for the inner packaging, how about trying…

  • Brand-friendly stickers
  • Patterned tape
  • Colorful tissue paper
  • Eco-friendly fillers, such as GreenWrap or recycled packaging paper

Speaking of eco-friendly, green is in. Whether it’s green-yellow or yellow-green, more and more consumers are ranking top-notch sustainability practices as one of their highest priorities. The good news is that eCommerce packaging happens to be a fabulous place to begin your sustainability journey — here’s a quick guide to help you out!

#3. Throw in Some Extras

But why stop at packaging? There’s no limit to how awesome you can make your unboxing, so go big or go home by thinking of all the cherries you could stick on top of your masterpiece. 

A few of our tried-and-true favorites are:

  • Coupons
  • Educational inserts
  • Handwritten notes
  • Free samples

These unexpected gifts will be welcome additions for any savvy shopper, with the added bonus of giving them something sweet to remember you by.

#4. Feng Shui Your Presentation

The how of an order is almost as important as the what. If the contents of a package are as shaken as James Bond’s martini, all your thoughtful touches run the risk of being for naught. Take a stand against eCommerce entropy by carefully considering the placement of each and every item in an order. And, if they insist on moving, don’t be afraid of restraining them with cardboard cutouts or zip ties — it’s the law of the land.

#5. Get the Delivery Down Pat

While not technically an aspect of the unboxing experience, a strong shipping game is a decisively determining factor when it comes to unboxing satisfaction. Even if a customer is ecstatic about their purchase, their excitement will probably be dampened by lengthy waiting times.

Granted, we are in the middle of a pandemic, so your customers should be, for the most part, understanding about shipping delays and COVID-shaped bumps in the road. But, with planet Earth heading back to normal soon (knock on wood), it’d be wise for business owners to start thinking of how they can get back to leveling up their shipping strategy.

If you’re still not convinced that unforgettable unboxings are the way to go, think back to the last time you opened a package or gift that really tickled your fancy. Chances are that a dedicated unboxing experience is what took your fond memory from yeah to heck yeah.

P.S. Want to check all those eCommerce boxes? We have plenty more tips and tricks headed your way — just sign up to our blog newsletter today!

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